My Movie Trailer

This is my movie trailer for my genius hour. It is a little taste as to what to expect in my TED talk. Hope this gets you excited for my TED talk!


  1. Great trailer Nicole! As a viewer, I found this video very informative. I got a good sense of what your topic is and what you will be researching into. I also like that you used PowToon to create your trailer. I didn't know you could do this. Thanks for sharing :) Looking forward to seeing the final product of your Genius Hour project!

  2. Awesome job on the trailer. Starting off with a question was smart as it made me interested in the findings. I think the amount of information you decided to give was just enough. I have a sense of what you are doing, but I am still curious enough to want to see your finished product to know more. I also like your transitions. I was worried when I first saw the text appear one letter at a time, but I think it works here as it is balanced by the transitions (which are quick) and the slow text appearance gets the audience thinking of what you are writing.
    My critique is that it is silent and I am torn between saying you don't need music because the quiet helps the audience pay attention to what is said and saying music would help set the tone for the presentation.
    Overall great job on the trailer and good luck with your project
